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Invitation Design by Teri Coan
Professional Services

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
23144 $50.00 0 $0.00

No Winning Bidder

Teri Coan is a graduating senior at the College for Creative Studies, where she has been studying Graphic Design and Photography. Teri will design an invitation or card for any occasion, such as weddings, graduation parties, baby showers, birthdays, or any other event. Teri's designs are innovative, fun, and detailed, and will create excitement about your event before it even begins. 

Your invitation package includes full design services and up to 20 invitations printed on cardstock. This package is valued at $150.

Teri marched with the Churchill Marching Band from 2007-2011, playing Flute for her Freshman-Junior seasons and leading as the Senior Assistant Drum Major for the 2010-2011 season.