Gift Basket from Spillane & Reynolds Orthodontics
Baskets / Bundles
Item ID | Starting Bid | Bids | Current Bid |
22763 | $100.00 | 0 | $0.00 |
Generously donated by the staff of Spillane and Reynolds Orthodontics in Novi, this gift basket includes a $250 certificate to be applied toward future orthodontic treatment. Other items in the basket include an Oral-B Vitality electric tooth brush, a frisbee, a water bottle, a travel coffee cup, Crest Pro-Health For Me toothpaste, 2 toothbrushes, a 4 pack of flavored chapstick, and a re-useable tote. This package is valued at $300.
Malory, Marketing and Promotions Coordinator for Spillane and Reynolds Orthodontics, and head coach for Northville varsity pompon, used to be a student at Churchill High School. She and the rest of the staff wish us luck with the auction.